Polyformes utilises ZOTEK® F OSU Flexible high-performance foam for moulded parts in aircraft seats
For the past 40 years, Polyformes has been converting closed cell foams to meet the needs of its customers. Recently, Polyformes was commissioned to manufacture and supply armrests, gap fillers and soft-touch trim for a new application in a long-term partnership with one of its aerospace customers.
Polyformes developed and designed several bake mould tools, even developing the concept of Fusion Moulding; a combination of near net shapes, loose cut parts and waterjet foams to fuse materials into complex shapes within a mould tool. The resulting product uses less raw material and requires less complex manufacturing, delivering both efficiency and cost-effectiveness.
This advanced manufacturing process, combined with the unique characteristics of ZOTEK F OSU Flexible, has enabled Polyformes to create perfect moulded products which have successfully integrated with larger First Class seating assemblies. Key features include indents along the outside of the product to hide join stitches, an ultra-smooth surface finish to avoid telegraphing and cavities in the underside to fit sheet metal, that when wrapped in E-Leather gives the products a pristine, high value look and feel, perfect for the high-end passenger experience.
Find out more about our ZOTEK aviation and aerospace range:
Contact the team: zotek@zotefoams.com