
Priceless works of art and historical artefacts deserve optimum protection during both archive storage and transit. In many instances that means precise packing inside polyolefin foams and the purest is AZOTE®.
Other polyethylene foams may well have been expanded using CFCs, HCFCs, HFCs or volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Most other foaming technologies use a chemical blowing agent that reacts and releases a gas within the plastic. Residues of these blowing agents remain within these materials and can detract from their physical properties and often causes staining and unpleasant odours.
AZOTE® foams use only Nitrogen for foam expansion, in a process that creates unparalleled purity, isotropic consistency and closed cell protection. Because only Nitrogen is used, no deleterious gases are present to seep out, no matter how long an item may be archived.
Plastazote, a foam brand within the AZOTE® family, has set the European conservation standard for decades due to its impact absorption, ease of fabrication, attractive appearance, and purity.
Artefacts and works of art deserve optimum protection and that means Plastazote protection.
Copyright © 2025
AZOTE®, ZOTEK®, T-FIT®, Plastazote®, Evazote®, Supazote®, ReZorce®, Refour® and Ecozote® are registered trademarks of Zotefoams plc
MuCell® is a registered trademark of Trexel Inc.