Open for Business

By Glenn Sievewright, ZOTEK® F European Commercial Manager

It’s business almost-as-usual at Zotefoams despite the challenges presented by covid19. Our manufacturing teams are on site and observing social distancing, while those who can work remotely are doing so in accordance with local measures.

It’s amazing how people adapt in times of adversity! With all non-key Zotefoams workers now working home, we are making the most of the great systems created by the Zotefoams IT department and are using Teams, Skype etc to keep communication moving during these difficult times!

So, the message to our customers is that Zotefoams is very much open (remotely naturally) for business and we will do all we can to keep projects and materials moving in the right direction!! So let’s keep the face to face meetings going (virtually!)

Stay safe, keep positive, together we will beat this.